Friday, May 28, 2010

Small Caps letters

I changed the whole small caps letters shape (not the whole entire letters actually) to follow the line of the "c" letter to keep it all in one style and i also changed the "t" but i'm not sure about it.. my teacher and my classmate said that it better that way

Big Caps letters

Okay here it is the final illustration of Big Caps letters i have made

Monday, May 24, 2010

Step 3 the big caps

The BIG caps guys :)

and the same problem happens (always)

the 'G'.... why oh why....

I actually already happy with the result that i use the right one G but i'm just not sure about that, is it following the style of the others letter too or not and i show you the other option that i have

Step 3 the small caps

After asking about 50 people, this is pretty much what i've came up with,
the small caps letter :)

I'm still not sure about the 'g'

The left one for the half round part i'm following the shape of the 'c' while for the right one for the half round part i'm following the other letters such as the 'p' , 'b' , 'd'
So, what do you think??

Friday, May 21, 2010

Still the Step 3

Hi, it's me again :)
After i show you the alphabet i make which is all in big caps, now i've made the small caps too :)
Actually my teacher said we don't have to make it but, he said to me that i should make both the big and small caps because he wants to see it and he finds it kind of interesting (i felt sooo happy when he said all those good things to me, it's important you know!!!!) :)
So, here it is the small little letters

and the same problem happens again guys.....
the letters that make me confused -_-"

I know it's all look similar and that's why i get confused.....
please please help me guys... help me decide okay?! :) thannxxxx again

Step 3

Now it is time to make our own alphabet! Which is kind of interesting but also hard in the same time i guess :)
Well, i want to make something different and came up with this idea, that i will make my letters line not touching each other's...
I already make some of the letters, here it is

actually i'm a bit confused with some letters
such as
the J

the G

the W

the S

(a lot of work and seeing and picking haha)

It's kind of confusing you know, when you make all of those letters and you feel all of it will work on each other but, you only can choose one (sadly)
i show it to my teacher in class and he said it's all okay (thanx Nigel) and i don't have to make all of the letters from A to Z (thank GOD) but, it feels not right you know, like your work is not done (i'm not trying being cocky but, it just the way i feel guys... yeah maybe if it's not work i will take off some of the letters)

Well... i hope you guys can help me decide when you all see it :) thanxxxxxx

Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Step 2

Illuminated manuscript letter

Illuminated is a very decorative letter and most recognized to be used on the Book of Kells.
It was created by Celtic monks ca. 800 or slightly earlier and written on a vellum (some kind of animal skin).
The manuscript takes its name from the Abbey of Kells that was its home for centuries.

It uses a lot of picture like face, bird, all about decoration and details.

The next thing we know our teacher asked us to make the manuscript letter, we also can make the new one.
So, here it is my own manuscript illuminated letter, my nickname M.
I kind of mixed up between the face and the bird because my teacher said it's interesting :D

that is the final sketch until i put dots around the letter following the style of the manuscript letter

more specific look :)

the face

the bird

and the letter

That's all :) hope you all find something interesting guys

Step 1

TRAJAN typeface!!

First task that we all must do is to trace our name in Trajan typeface.
Trajan is a typeface from Rome and known as one of the oldest typeface. It was named Trajan, following the Roman Emperor Marcus Ulpius Nerva Traianus, commonly known as Trajan who was ruled at the time where letters start to be used as a way of communication (AD 98 - ad 117).

In 1989 Carol Twombly was the first to do translation of the Trajan into type for Adobe.

So, after got all the information about Trajan typeface from my teacher then i start to make the tracing at school

(yep, that's me -_-')

anddddd here it is :)

what do you think??? :)

I think it's interesting because we get to know more about the old style typeface and how to do it which is kinda hard because we have to really really look for the detail when we trace it.
Imagine how they do it on a stone guys......

Assessment 2 BEGINS!

After we all done the assessment 1 which is Case Study about brand, now we get new assessment that we have to make our own alphabet :) sounds interesting i suppose...
andddd here is the brief guys ( i post it here so i could remember all the tasks we must done)